sword sword n. 剣, 刀. 【動詞+】 They have beaten their swords into plowshares. 剣をすきに打ち変えた (cf. Isa. 2:4, Mic. 4:3) belt on one's sword 腰に刀をつる brandish a sword (おどすように)刀を振り回す carry a s
carry carry v. 運ぶ, 携行する; 勝ちとる. 【副詞1】 Love for art carried him abroad. 彼は芸術が好きで海外に行った This rifle carries nearly a mile. このライフル銃の射程は約 1 マイルだ His passion carried him astray. 彼は激情に押し流された
to carry a sword , ignoring the law against them ... おおっ 廃刀令をないがしろに して 刀を持ち歩く
february 18: permitted to carry a sword . 2月18日帯剣を許される
in addition , when you carry a sword , hirao (cord of sword ) is not used . また、太刀を佩用する場合でも平緒は用いない。
masahiro kainosho (entitled to carry a sword; head of the family during the meiji restoration; hatamoto with land that yielded 4000 koku in rice ) 甲斐庄正博(帯刀・明治維新時の当主、旗本4,000石)
in 1946 , by the issuance of the uniform act for police officers and firefighters (the 367th imperial edict in 1946 ), they were basically banned to carry a sword . 1946年(昭和21年)の警察官及び消防官服制(昭和21年勅令第367号)で原則として佩刀を禁止された。
however , since universal conscription and the system of a patrol officer have been introduced , the necessity for individuals to carry a sword is no longer recognized .' 「しかし、いまや国民皆兵の令がしかれ、巡査の制がもうけられ、個人が刀を佩びる必要はみとめない。」
as a result that the second world war ended , imperial japanese army (ija ) and imperial japanese navy (ijn ) were demobilized and military men who were originally supposed to carry a sword went out of existence . 第二次世界大戦が終了した結果、大日本帝国陸軍、大日本帝国海軍が解体され、旧来その対象とされていた軍人が存在しなくなった。
the players wear shitagasane (long inner robe ) embroidered with patterns of seigaiha pattern and haze , hanpi (sleeveless body wear ) with peony patterns woven onto them , and ho (outer robe or vestment ) embroidered with plover patterns while exposing their right shoulder through the ho as they carry a sword and wear betsukabuto (headpiece for mai , a formal , traditional japanese dance ). 青海波と霞の模様が刺繍された下襲に、牡丹などが織られた半臂をまとい、チドリ科が刺繍された袍の右肩を袒ぎ、太刀を佩き、別甲をかぶる。